The damn shore

Guy and Doris lived happily with their daughter Katty in the small town in England. Guy was a soldier and Doris was a nurse. One day,Guy was transferred to Malaysia. So, the whole family followed. As soon as Katty arrived in Malaysia, she loved it but she was bored. So she went to theriver nearby. While she was swimming, she spotted a handsome boy. But when she got out of the water to talk to him, he ran away. Three days later, she wentto a tennis club but there was a surprise for her when she saw the guy she had seen at the river. He was a servant at the club. His name was Carlos.Quickly they fell in love. They wanted to get married but Katty’s parents didn’t agree. So they decided to run away. Katty wrote a letter to her parents. Shetold them that she loved them but she had to go with her lover. When Guy read the letter he went crazy. He had to catch them. He jumped in his car and wentto chase them. He looked at every place where Katty loved to go, but he didn’t find them. He was on the way back to his house when he saw Carlos kissinghis daughter. They were on the other shore of the river. At that moment he couldn’t control his anger anymore. He got out of the car, took his gun andshoot Carlos. When Katty realized that his father had just killed her lover, she threw herself in the river. From that day people call the the shore whereCarlos and Katty died: “the damned shore”. And every time young people go to swim in that river, they can hear Katty’s ghost screaming:” WHY DADDY, WHY??”