Oui, oui

Monday, April 17th 1912

London Times

Three days ago, there had a shipreck. The unsinkable Titanic sank. We are find a survivor with an incredible story.
Jake is asurvivor of the Titanic. He was journalist. He was on the titanic to go to America because his brother went to marry at Las Vegas. He was a third class passenger becausehe wasn’t very rich.
He tells us his story.
« When I felt the collision, I was sleeping, like the most of people. There was water everywhere. I rushed up on deck and Isaw the problem. A huge ice-berg came to crash the unsikable liner. I was very suprising and scarying. At the beginning, everybody was laughing and playing with ice whilethe crew was repeating all the time « Put your lifejacket !». I saw Captain Smith. This last looked desperate but not in a panic. It was at this time, I understood. Titanicsank this night. I was crying. I tought, I never saw the sun a new time. The musicians were playing while priest were praying. Passengers were screaming.It was dreadful. Itwas the end. People was beginning to panic. I returned in my room and i put my lifejacket. But it was too late. Water was invading my room. My first reflex was jumping inthe ocean. I saw a lot of people freeze to death. Few of people was in lifeboat. I thought i was going to die, when I saw a dolphin who swim next to me. I caught its fin. Iwas releasing it, when i arrived toward a lifeboat. People was helping me to jump in it. They gave me a cover. I was saving. This night was engraving in my memory forever. »Like what, everybody makes some mistakes. All of boats are unsinkable. Ireland isn’t ready to build a new liner and at present you never see a dolphin like before.