Decrire image

COMPETENCE: ECRIRE / DECRIRE UNE IMAGE Pour commencer la description, tu devras déjà te poser quelques questions dans un certain ordre (du plus évident au moins évident, du plus général au plusprécis). Voici une liste de questions que tu devras te poser et les réponses que tu peux y apporter en prenant l’exemple de la photo ci-dessus.
1) What type of document is it ?
Ÿ a picture
Ÿ a photograph
Ÿ a cartoon
Ÿ a painting
Thee ville américaine si tu fais bien attention aux détails : les taxis sont jaunes, il y a desgrands immeubles…)- This photograph was taken in a big city- This photograph was taken in an American city- It shows an urban landscape- I can see a big city3) Who can you see in the picture ?
Ÿ a man
Ÿ a woman
Ÿ a girl
Ÿ a boy
I can see many people walking on Broadway avenue : lots of men and women, girls and boys. There are people crossing the streetin the foreground and in the bottom left hand corner and in the bottom right hand corner.
4) What can you see in the picture?I can see big buildings in the top-right-hand corner and in thetop-left-hand corner and also in the background. These buildings are called skyscrapers and big building in the background and in the right and left hand corners; these buildings are called skyscrapers. I haveseen many skyscrapers in movies that took place in American cities, such as in CSI (les experts)5) What are they doing?
Some people are walking on the street, and others are crossing the street.Pour finir tu fais un résumé, en utilisant les informations que tu as trouvées et en r
I think that … : je pense que….
I agree with…. : je suis d’accord avec…
I disagree with… : je ne suis pasd’accord avec…
I believe that … : je pense que…..
As far as I am concerned : en ce qui me concerne
What I mean is that …. : ce que je veux dire c’est que….
I assume that…. : je…