
Cover : Willa Cather,
Date of birth : She was born on 7 December, 1873.
Date of death: She died on 24 April 1947.
1) Willa Sibert Cather wasan American author and teacher. She’s one of the most important American writers of the twentieth century. Their family and she moved to Red Cloud,Nebraska in 1884. It was a good experience for her because she she grew up among the immigrants from Scandinavian, Bohemian, German, and otherimmigrant peoples who settled that area. Cather entered the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 1891 where she became a cultural critic for the schoolnewspaper (to the Nebraska State Journal). Then, from 1899 she moved to Pittsburgh where she became a high-school teacher of English and Latin. Herfirst short story was published in 1892 and by 1896 he had published nine stories. In 1903 Cather made her debut as a poet with April Twilights,her only volume of poetry. At the age of 32, Cather moved to New York to live with Edith Lewis and to edit McClure’s Magazine. Her first novel,Alexander’s Bridge, appeared in 1912, and was followed a year later by O Pioneers! It was an archetypal success story of a daughter of Swedish immigrantfarmers. From 1912 she devoted solely to writing and she wrote 12 novels and over 60 short stories. In 1918, “My Antonia” once again celebratingNebraska and his immigrants pioneers. In 1922 she won the Pulitzer Prize for her novel One Of Ours. Cather published little in her last years.