English essay

« the path to pop fame is instant and easy thanks to the explosion of reality TV shows »

Pop Idol, American Idol, Canadian Idol, Australian Idol… when youcast a glance at TV nowadays, most of the programs are reality TV shows. In each of them, dozens of unknown people become for a few episodes TV stars. They are watched, spiedon, admired and adulated by millions of people in the audience. These reality shows touch most of the population because they propose us to make our dreams come true : thedream to be famous, to emerge from obscurity and to reveal to the whole word who you really are and how gifted you are too.
With the amazing explosion of reality TV shows anyonecan audition. You don’t see at TV only famous people anymore, but also unknown people who, in a very few time, can reach the top .
As far as I’m concerned, one of the bestexamples is the one of Susan Boyle. We can honestly say that this women didn’t have the conditions we think necessary for succeeding in the world of music. She is not young,not slim or even very feminine neither. But, thanks to a reality TV show, she had the opportunity to show her talent – an extraordinary deep and strong voice – to theaudience who went thought the usual clichés and voted for her only because of her gift. But this new kind of success isn’t easy to live with. Contrary to the ordinary way to the top,a very long way, starting with very small concerts in unknown cities, then the fame, but only little by little, this way is shorter to climb up, but shorter to race down too.The history of Susan Boyle is very particular : she reached the top, she shined for a while, then had to face to the downside. But now her future seems to be very promising.