
Palmer Jackson Inc (Cincinnati Ohio) has developed a new line of sports beverages with the added benefit of antioxidants. Our products are obviously positioned on the sports-drink market; moreoverthis segment is the biggest one with a predictable demand of 45 million consumers. We will choose to position our new line of sports beverages on the sport-drink market and use on another segmentationto determine more precisely which sports-drink consumers we could target.

The description of psychographic segments tells us about their way of life, preferences, needs, wants, motivations…that isall the attributes we need to make a good segmentation.
We recommend Green Ox focus on two particular segments: Thinkers and Experiencers. This segmentation will allowGreen Ox to have a better focus(GASSS) of all marketing efforts. We choose to target these two specific segments because they fit with our product line and with the image we want to give to our brand.
Plus d’extraits de Lancementde la ligne de produits Green Ox : marketing stratégique pour une boisson…
[…] Bottle will be easy to care and functional as well as fun designed. We believe as well that the benefits andcomponents of the beverage should be written on each bottle because our target actively seek out information in the decision making process. Price Regarding the prices of our main competitors and our cost fora 20- ounce bottle, we believe our retail price should be $0.78. Green Ox is indeed much more expensive to product than other sports drinks because of the added cost of the antioxidants; thereforethe cost is about $0.20. […]

[…] What would your answer be? Why? If you think you have sufficient information, explain why « Well so before I leave there are two things you should know beforelaunching you new product line. First, as you may know, sport-drinks market is a growing market and in the next few years you could be surprised by the number of competitors. That’s why I want you to…