What about..

Pride and Prejudice.


1) The book and the author.
Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen, penguin readers; 1945.

2) Biography of Jane Austen.

Jane Austen was born on 16 December, 1775, at the rectory in the village of Steventon, near Basingstoke, in Hampshire. The seventh of eight children of the Reverend George Austen and his wife, Cassandra, she waseducated mainly at home and never lived apart from her family. She had a happy childhood amongst all her brothers and the other boys who lodged with the family and whom Mr Austen tutored. From her older sister, Cassandra, she was inseparable.
As a young woman Jane enjoyed dancing (an activity which features frequently in her novels) and she attended balls in many of the great houses of theneighbourhood. She loved the country, enjoyed long country walks, and had many Hampshire friends. It therefore came as a considerable shock when her parents suddenly announced in 1801 that the family would be moving away to Bath. Mr Austen gave the Steventon living to his son James and retired to Bath with his wife and two daughters. The next four years were difficult ones for Jane Austen. She disliked theconfines of a busy town and missed her Steventon life. After her father’s death in 1805, his widow and daughters also suffered financial difficulties and were forced to rely on the charity of the Austen sons. It was also at this time that, while on holiday in the West country, Jane fell in love, and when the young man died, she was deeply upset. Later she accepted a proposal of marriage from HarrisBigg-Wither, a wealthy landowner and brother to some of her closest friends, but she changed her mind the next morning and was greatly upset by the whole episode.

II. the book itself.

a) Summary
Mr and Mrs Bennet have got five young unmaried daughters. During a ball, Elisabeth and Jane meet two fortunate men, Mr Darcy and My Bingley. Mr Bingley can’t resist to Jane’s charm, and they bothfall in love with each other. Unfortunatly things doesn’t seem to be such easy for Mr Darcy and Elisabeth… The young men at first seems scorfool with Elisabeth. Later on, Elisabeth meets a beautiful young militaria, Mr Wickham, who has been adopted by the father of Mr Darcy. She learns from him unpleasant acts commited by Mr Darcy in the past. That push her to have some prejudices about him.Further more, she learns that Mr Darcy has caused the separation of her sister, Jane, with Mr Bingley by saying to him that the Bennet’s family was too poor and that the behaviour of the parents wasn’t appropriate to his family. Mr Darcy also tells his friend that Jane doesn’t love him as much as he does. Elisabeth seems to hate him but she also feels disturb by him at the same time.

One day, MrCollins, the Bennet’s cousin, comes and asks Elisabeth in marriage to assure the finacial security of the family. Unfortunatly for her mother, Elisabeth refuses the marriage proposal because she wants to be in love with the men she will marry. Mr Collins will finaly mary Elisabeth’s dear friend and neighbour, Mrs Lucas.

During a trip in Kent with her uncle and aunt, Elisabeth will accidentalyencounter Mr Darcy while visiting his castle. The gentleman experienced some change of feeling, he acts in a more agreeable way with Elisabeth. He invites her for dinner at his house. During this dinner, Elisabeth receives a letter telling her that Lydia, her youngest sister, has runaway with Mr Wickham. It’s a desohnor for the family and a catasrophic event.

Without telling Elisabeth, Mr Darcyrestores the Bennet’s family honor by sending money to Mr Wickham to make his wedding possible with Lydia. He also contributes to the reconcilation of Mr Bingley and Jane Bennet.

Darcy finally leaves his pride to tell to Elisabeth that he’s in love with her and that it’s by love for her that he has helped her family. He asks her in marriage. Elisabeth is very happy to accept his demand.
