

-written by David Taub

INTRODUCTION: Hello good people! David Taub here and I want to take a second to thank you for checking out this Next Level Guitar instructional product. I think you will find that my teaching methods are of the best available on the market today. I have successfully taught thousands of students, bothprivately and online, all over the world and I am dedicated to getting your playing to the next level in the fastest and most efficient manner. This book of written lessons is an excellent tool and reference manual to develop and enhance your guitar skills. Use these instructional materials to help open up guitar avenues and to examine different chords and rhythms, lead guitar techniques, learningthe fretboard, music theory,scales, and the world of playing over chord changes. If you don’t keep a practice log you want to start one for sure. A three ring binder with filler paper works best. Print out this booklet of written lessons and keep it with all other music reference materials in the three ring binder. Keep these items handy so you can refer to them when studying and practicing.Add filler paper to your binder and keep accurate records in your practice log of the items you are working on, what needs work, chord changes, progressions, songs, original material, scales, etc. Date the entries and keep track of your progress as you move forward in your guitar journey. Just like settings goals in life you want to set musical goals……and then go out there and achieve them.Remember to follow my structured curriculum, keep on practicing the right things, and keep developing your ear. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to take on too many new things at once. Take these lessons and techniques in stages and slow and steady wins the race. Some of the more advanced lead guitar avenues will take time to digest. One of the keys is consistency. Keep trying to put thoseguitars in your hands every day, even if its only for 10-15 minutes. You don’t necessarily need an hour block of time each day to learn guitar. Those little pockets of time where you have a spare ten minutes that you can practice really add up. Also make it easy for yourself to practice. Buy a guitar stand and keep your guitar out on the stand so it is accessible to you at all times. Keep theguitar on the stand in a room you are in the most. This way you will be much more likely to grab it and practice when you have that free ten minute pocket of time. Don’t keep your guitar packed up in its case under your bed or packed away in the closet. Leave it out and make it accessible. Like with anything new and different on the instrument dive into these materials with an open mind.Know that if you practice these techniques, work hard, keep honing your skills and refining your art that these methods will bring you results. Enjoy these materials and please let me know if you have any questions. I always welcome your insights and feedback as I am constantly tweaking my instructional products to make them the best they can be. You can email me at [email protected] positive and remember that your guitar playing is an evolution. And please check out my full on video instructional website at ………now let’s get to it! I wish you the best in all your musical endeavors. Thanks again, enjoy the journey, and as always……..ROCK ON! David Taub

Copyright Next Level Guitar Inc., 2011 – all rights reserved –unauthorized duplication or distribution of any part of this book is prohibited



Written Lesson Page Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 Table of contents ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Getting started…