

The Synagogue of Satan
By Andrew Carrington Hitchcock


Khazaria (Click on map) In 740 A.D. in a land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, known as Khazaria, a land which today is predominantly occupied by Georgia, but also reaches into Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, andRomania, the modern Jewish race is born. A modern Jewish race that incidentally is not Jewish. How can this be, you ask? Well at that time, the Khazarian people felt a vulnerable people as they had Muslims one side of them and Christians the other side of them, and thus constantly feared attack from either side. Furthermore, the Khazarian people were of neither faith and instead practiced idolworship, which made them ripe for invasion by a people who wished to convert them to an established faith. The Khazarian King, King Bulan, decided in order to protect themselves against attack, the Khazarian people must convert to one of these faiths, but which one? If they converted to the Muslim faith they would risk attack by the Christians and if they converted to the Christian faith they wouldrisk attack by the Muslims. He had an idea. There was another race that he was aware were able to deal with both the Muslims and the Christians either side of him, predominantly in matters of trade. A race which

also dealt with Khazarians in the same manner. That race was the Jews. King Bulan decided if he instructed his people to convert to Judaism he could keep both the Muslims and theChristians happy, as they were both already willing to trade with the Jews, so this is what he did. King Bulan was right. He would live to see his country unconquered, his people convert to Judaism enthusiastically and adopt the principles of the most holy Jewish book, the Talmud. There are many things the king would not live to see, however. He would not live to see his Asiatic race of converts toJudaism, one day represent 90% of all the Jews on the planet, and call themselves Ashkenazi Jews, when in fact they were not Jews, but simply an Asiatic race of people who converted to the Jewish religion, whilst still continuing to speak the Khazarian language of Yiddish, totally different to the language of Hebrew. He would not live to see his people turn to the descendants of a man, far more powerfulthan him, who would be born just over 1,000 years later in Germany, a man named Bauer, who would spawn the Rothschild dynasty. He would not live to see this dynasty usurp the wealth of the world through deception and intrigue, which they would finance through the vast riches they accumulate as they usurp the wealth of the world by gaining control of the world’s money supply. He would not live tosee his people demand a homeland for themselves in Palestine as their birthright, and ensure every Prime Minister there from its inception in 1948 is an Ashkenazi Jew, even though the true homeland of the Ashkenazi Jews, Khazaria, is his kingdom, some 800 miles away. And he would not live to see his people fulfil bible prophecy, as the, “Synagogue of Satan.”


Oliver Cromwell King CharlesI

Oliver Cromwell obtains backing from the British parliament for the execution of King Charles I on a charge of treason. Afterwards, Cromwell permits the Jews to enter England again, but does not reverse the Edict of Expulsion issued by King Edward I in 1290, which expelled all Jews forever from England and made the provision that any who remained after November 1st 1290, were to beexecuted. Indeed England is not the first country to expel the Jews. Here is a partial list of all the areas from which the Jews have been banished from, sometimes on numerous occasions, over the last thousand years. Mainz France Upper Bavaria England France France Saxony Hungary Belgium Slovakia France Austria Lyons Cologne Mainz Augsburg Upper Bavaria Netherlands Brandenburg Mainz Mainz Warsaw Spain…