Work experience (rapport de stage dans l’édition)


I chose to do this BTS because I like reading and love the book object. Next year, I will change orientation and study human ressources.
I realized my trainig course to theDépêche du Midi which specialized in the press. It’s settled in Castres.

Before picking up a training course in this company, I looked at first for a publishing house. Having also applied in this company,I accepted before the answer of the other publishing houses.
I hoped this experience brought me additionnal skills and using what I learned this year.

During my training course, I did fewactivities like proofreading, interview… I also had the opportunity to participate to conferences and audiences in the court and wrote articles. Mostly, I corrected the reporter’s articles because theirsentences were not necessarly. For that purpose, I had my own office with a printer and a sofware which allowed me to see articles immediatly. My schedule was from 10h30 till 12h00 am anf from 2h30 till5h00 pm. I worked only mostly, but sometimes in team in particular during interview or during conferences as well as for the weeting. I had problems at the technical level on one hand because itappened that I do not manage to loguer me. Indeed, when the journalists were all presents, there was not no more available access code and a workstation anymore. I thus waited that we print me articles tobe able to correct them. I also had problems of relation espacially during interviex because the persons don’t necessarly wish to answer and offend the journalists.
Finally, one of the big problemsto be managed was the day of strike. Effectively, not only articles which we had written and correct versions are not appeared and the subscribe phone to the agency to shout us above beacause we didnot do well our work.

The company to publish articles that I had drafted, what sometimes helped a lot to them in particular when the journalists are averwhelmed.
I learnt many things in the…