Analyse de la stratégie de shiseido

1°) Key Success Factors in the cosmetics industry :

an attractive brand image.
focusing on giving good services ( counseling).
the ability to innovate and develop new products with new rawmaterials ( clé de peau beauté).
a large product’s choice.
good distribution channels adapted to the target customer
good promotion/marketing strategy.
being able to adapt to newmarkets/cultures.( cosmetics )
good understanding of needs and trends.

2. Analyse Shiseido’s competitive advantage on the basis of the
Resource and Competence model. You may add other types of analysis ifyou like.

Ressources :

– Physical resources :

New materials developped in labs.
9 R research centers.
Volontary chain stores in japan (around 25000)and in china ,
stores in USincluding counters in high end departement stores.
Many product lines and brands to adapt to different markets. (non-cosmetic product lines contribute to 21 percent of revenues)

Human Ressources :Collaboration with Havard gives access to good researchers

Shiseido’s ability to attract competent managers like Chantal Roos ( ex intl mkting director of YSL and Carsten Fischer)
Employees in Japanwith good customer service skills
Mr. Saito himself, who can take risks and initiate new ingredients for use in Shiseido products.

In the past Directors like Mr. Fukuhara who is extremely involvedin the company’s day to day business.

Financial :
Strong sales turnover and profit to allow higher R and D.

Organisational :
Good distribution channel of voluntary chain store.
A holdingscompany in China to coordinate and overlook the business of its other companies in China to create constant and close communication link between China and Japan.

Beauté prestige International (BPI)created as an own subsidary in France.

Reputation :
Strong brand image and recognition known for its high quality.


Ability to use new materials and chemicals to create new…