Comparison between poland, usa and south africa

Our countries:

Europe: Poland [pic]

America: USA [pic]

Africa : South Africa [pic]

1st question: presentation of the three countries

I. Poland
1. Hofstede analysis

– Power distance:

For the Polish society, typical norm is medium power distance (60). Possible explanation of these results lies in the role of the communistideology during the past few decades proclaiming equality in all aspects of social life.
However, the recent experience of the Poles has indicated to them a rising inequality and a rapid differentiation of the society in terms of income and opportunities.

– Uncertainty avoidance:

It is very high (84).Some scientists find explanation for Polish high score in the role of the communistsystem and its claims to provide security for the population. Moreover, 95% of the Polish society is Catholic, who believes in one God who represents an absolute Truth.
Jan Zieleniewski (Organisation and Management, pages 539-540) hypothesized that “Poles are able to make decisions quickly and often successfully, possessing a high level of ingenuity. When emotionally reassured, they arecapable of great sacrifice. However, on the whole, Poles tend to be suspicious and unresponsive to arguments that do not coincide with their emotional framework. They neglect details, are impatient, and lacked persistence. In addition, Poles prefer positive to negative motivational practices, and were not vulnerable to threats”.

– Individualism/collectivism:

Relatively high level ofindividualism in Polish society (60) in opinion of some scientists refers to the Catholic Church which projects the individuals as wholly responsible for their actions. Furthermore, despite socialist history of Poland with some collectivistic values internalized by members of society, there have been strong western influence for many years and Poland now is more individualistic than expected.


With a score of 70, Poland is on the high/medium value. Masculine assertiveness and competition is balanced by feminine nurturing and concern for relationship and for the living environment.

– Long term orientation:

Quite low score in this dimension (40). It shows that Poles had short forward time horizons, referring frequently to the past (communism period).Short Term Orientation reflects respect for tradition, fulfilling social obligations, and protecting one’s « face ».

2. Impact in HRM
Business in Poland is undergoing a transition as the country adopts a free market system.
Poland remains a somewhat hierarchical business culture and managers could probably be best described as authoritative. Therefore, managers will be lessdemocratic and participative than in certain other European countries such as the Netherlands or Sweden.

It would be expected that the manager knows the answer to difficult problems and that the manager issues direct instructions to employees. As Poles are direct in their speech patterns, these instructions can sometime seem to be given in a very abrupt manner.

Subordinates can be frustratedif instructions are not given in a precise and comprehensive way and this can result in work remaining unfinished.

It is expected that more junior colleagues show great respect to their superiors and this will often result in meetings being dominated by the most senior person present. Despite the Poles love of direct speech, it is probably unwise to directly contradict the boss in an openmeeting.

As the manager usually makes the decisions, it is important to cultivate relationships at senior levels.

But Poland’s intercultural adaptability and readiness for change is developing all the time. This country is seen to have a medium tolerance for change and risk.

II. The United States

1. Hofstede analysis

– Power distance:

With a score of…