Expression anglais

C/O Mr Patrick O’CONNOR
6Street, New York,United States17th December 1905
Dear mother,

I write you to say to you that Iarrived well to New York and I settled to my uncle Patrick so I hope to remove of your thoughts all the anxieties which you could have concerning me.

Since I left our country, I lived many testingthings. In first, the sea voyage which lasted ten days. It was really hard physically because it had a weather cold outside of the boat while in the steerage of the boat, where was my bedroom, it madean unbearable heat. Furthermore, I was morally exhausted, I was very worried because the sea voyage seemed to me infinite, I thank that I had deceived me, that I would never see America, that Iwould never revise you.

So, when the statue of liberty showed itself finally, I lived a real reassurance. All the fear had escaped from me but it was short-term because rapidly, the American policetook us in Ellis Island. The place was immense but nevertheless I felt oppressed in cause of the large number of people. Ellis Island was a painful and dehumanizing experience. I made much tests to proveif I was capable of living in the United States. I had so fear to fail but at about four pm o’clock, a woman called me and gave me papers which confirmed my successful to the tests. I could live inUnited States. What a happiness! At this time, I could finally leave with my uncle Patrick

My moving in was ended, I can now think of the future. Dices tomorrow, I go to find a job. I hope that…