Serengeti national park


The Serengeti National Park is the largest park in Tanzania and Kenya. (east africa) it is famous by his annual migration of wildebeest who migrate in July and spend the Serengetito Masai Mara park in Kenya and 250000 zebra. Both parks are touching.
Their number is estimated at nearly two million. Refugees in Kenya during the dry season they return with the rain and we cansee long processions of animals in search of fresh grass.

The animal life is more important than elsewhere, with about 4 million animals in the national park.. Serengeti National Park is widelyregarded as the best wildlife reserve in Africa due to its density of predators and prey.

The park covers 14,763 km² (5,700 square miles) of grassland plains and savanna as well as riverine forest andwoodlands. The park lies in the north of the country, bordered to the north by the national Tanzania and Kenyan border, where it is continuous with the Masai Mara National Reserve
Human habitation isforbidden in the National Park with the exception of staff, researchers and staff of Frankfurt Zoological Society
As well as the migration of wildebeest, the park is well known for its healthy stockof other resident wildlife, particularly the « Big Five », named for the five most prized trophies taken by hunters:
• Lion: the Currently there are more than 3000 lion living in this ecosystem.• African Leopard
• African Elephant:
• Black Rhinoceros.
• African Buffalo
The park also supports many further species, including cheetah (guepards), gazelle, topi (antilope),eland, waterbuck (sort of antilope), hyena, baboon, impala, African wild dog and giraffe. The park also boasts about 500 bird species, including ostrich, secretary bird, Kori bustard, crowned crane,marabou stork, martial eagle, lovebirds

As a result of the biodiversity and ecological significance of the area, the park has been listed by UNESCO as one of the World Heritage Sites
The Serengeti…