
We are going to explain a subject, which is origin is native of England.
All people know …
… Halloween, which is a national party in United States, where people dress her most horrible suit to collect candy in a mortuary ambiance.
To explain entire subject, we can see the origins of Halloween, his development, and the commercial aspects nowadays.
The History ofHalloween – The beginning
More than 2500 years ago, the Gauls were the richest and the most numerous of Celtic peoples. Her year finished at the end of the summer, what corresponded on 31st October.
In this last New Year’s Day, some people thought that the spirits could visit their family, while the God of the death, gathered the souls of those who had died during this year to give the fate thatthey were going to have.
It is this night from October 31st till October 1st began « Samain ». During this night, a rigorous ceremony must be made to put all the chances from his part to have an happy New Year in prevision.
In the evening, the Gauls put out the fire in them homes, and during the night gathered around a circle with the druids who suffocated the sacred fire of the altar, by rubbingbranches of oak to make fire a new fire, to honor the god of sun, and make avoid the malefic spirits. Every head of the family received then an ember of this fire, had to return in this home with it to create a new fire on this home maintain it lit until following autumn to protect the home and his family of all danger during year.


Gauls to Odilon de Cluny

The party called « Samain »was the one who had most importance. To celebrate it, big feasts gathered the entire village, and were we could drink it some beer, some wine… This party lasted one week in fortnight, and some, to frighten the possible spirits, made up and carried terrible costumes supposed to push away the souls of the deaths.
To insert the party in the catholic calendar were needed several centuries. In 8thcentury, pope Grégoire III moved the party of the Saints in November. The All Saints’ Day was established towards 840 by pope Grégoire IV.
So, in 1048, Odilon de Cluny established November 2nd as the day of the deaths.
The English word “Halloween”, would come of this time. All Hallows’ day for the “All Saints’ Day”, “All Hallow E’en” for the holy night and which became Halloween much more lately.DIAPO 5

The epidemic “Halloween”

Celtic customs appeared in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and also in certain regions of England, while the Celtic culture began to disappear.

The rite in the dinner in Ireland during Halloween was « Callcannon ». In this dish with mashed potato, in which was inserted a ring, a porcelain doll, a piece, and a doll.
* When a person found the ring, she couldget married in the year ;
* When a person found the die, she would never get married ;
* When a person found the piece, she would be rich ;
* When a person found the porcelain doll, she would have a child in the year.

Because of the famines, the practices of the party of Halloween moved towards the United States between 1846 and 1848. In this emigration, Jack-o ‘-Lantern-Lantern(character popular of the party of Halloween) was taken.


Halloween in United States

It in the end of the XIXth century what Halloween became a national holiday in the United States, with its games, its divinations, and the custom of « Trick-or-treat » !

Today numerous storekeepers in the United States make more business for Halloween than for Christmas! There are few movies,cartoons, serials which have a scene taking place for this famous night. We even met E-T-and Woody Allen there!

Even if Halloween celebrates only on October 31st, it is during all October when the American children prepare it, decorate houses, create her, disguise, and get ready for Trick-or-treating with a pillowcase to collect the maximum of candies.

The theme of disguises and decorations…